Budgeting and Financial Mentoring
Franklin Family Support Services' team of financial mentors aim to help families find security in handling their own financial affairs through the development of good money management skills.
We can give advice and support to whānau on the following financial topics;
- Meeting your everyday financial needs
- Making sure you are getting all your entitlements
- Managing debt repayments
- Advocacy on behalf of clients
- Kiwisaver hardship applications
- Insolvency assistance
- Identifying and avoiding fraud
- Planning for a positive financial future
- To discuss and work through different financial options
- Working out an achievable family budget

Worksheets and Information
On your first appointment we will need the following to help support you
- IRD number
- Community Services Card number
- Bank Statements for the last month
- Pay slips
- WINZ breakdown of benefit
It is helpful if you can also bring
- Mortgage or rent payments
- Power account
- Telephone account
- Water rates
- Any insurances
- WOF registration due
- Records of any other outstanding debts, for example
- debts
- loans
- unpaid accounts